
PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database developed by The PostgreSQL Global Development Group.


  1#!/usr/bin/env python3
  4PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database developed by The PostgreSQL
  5Global Development Group.
 11import os
 12import psycopg2
 13import tempfile
 14from csv import reader
 15from time import sleep
 16from typing import List, Tuple
 17from timeout_decorator import timeout, TimeoutError  # type: ignore
 18from bench_executor.container import Container
 19from bench_executor.logger import Logger
 21VERSION = '14.5'
 22HOST = 'localhost'
 23USER = 'root'
 24PASSWORD = 'root'
 25DB = 'db'
 26PORT = '5432'
 27WAIT_TIME = 3
 28CLEAR_TABLES_TIMEOUT = 5 * 60  # 5 minutes
 31class PostgreSQL(Container):
 32    """PostgreSQL container for executing SQL queries"""
 33    def __init__(self, data_path: str, config_path: str, directory: str,
 34                 verbose: bool):
 35        """Creates an instance of the PostgreSQL class.
 37        Parameters
 38        ----------
 39        data_path : str
 40            Path to the data directory of the case.
 41        config_path : str
 42            Path to the config directory of the case.
 43        directory : str
 44            Path to the directory to store logs.
 45        verbose : bool
 46            Enable verbose logs.
 47        """
 48        self._data_path = os.path.abspath(data_path)
 49        self._config_path = os.path.abspath(config_path)
 50        self._logger = Logger(__name__, directory, verbose)
 52        tmp_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'postgresql')
 53        os.umask(0)
 54        os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True)
 55        os.makedirs(os.path.join(self._data_path, 'postgresql'), exist_ok=True)
 56        self._tables: List[str] = []
 58        super().__init__(f'blindreviewing/postgresql:v{VERSION}', 'PostgreSQL',
 59                         self._logger,
 60                         ports={PORT: PORT},
 61                         environment={'POSTGRES_PASSWORD': PASSWORD,
 62                                      'POSTGRES_USER': USER,
 63                                      'POSTGRES_DB': DB,
 64                                      'PGPASSWORD': PASSWORD,
 65                                      'POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD': 'trust'},
 66                         volumes=[f'{self._data_path}/shared:/data/shared',
 67                                  f'{tmp_dir}:/var/lib/postgresql/data'])
 69    def initialization(self) -> bool:
 70        """Initialize PostgreSQL's database.
 72        Returns
 73        -------
 74        success : bool
 75            Whether the initialization was successfull or not.
 76        """
 77        # PostgreSQL should start with a initialized database, start PostgreSQL
 78        # if not initialized to avoid the pre-run start during benchmark
 79        # execution
 80        success = self.wait_until_ready()
 81        if not success:
 82            self._logger.error(f'Failed to initialize {__name__}')
 83            return False
 84        success = self.stop()
 86        return success
 88    @property
 89    def root_mount_directory(self) -> str:
 90        """Subdirectory in the root directory of the case for PostgreSQL.
 92        Returns
 93        -------
 94        subdirectory : str
 95            Subdirectory of the root directory for PostgreSQL.
 96        """
 97        return __name__.lower()
 99    def wait_until_ready(self, command: str = '') -> bool:
100        """Wait until PostgreSQL is ready to execute SQL queries.
102        Parameters
103        ----------
104        command : str
105            Command to execute in the PostgreSQL container, optionally,
106            defaults to no command.
108        Returns
109        -------
110        success : bool
111            Whether the PostgreSQL was initialized successfull or not.
112        """
113        success = self.run_and_wait_for_log(f'port {PORT}', command=command)
114        if success:
115            sleep(WAIT_TIME)
116        else:
117            msg = f'Failed to wait for {__name__} to become ready'
118            self._logger.error(msg)
120        return success
122    def load(self, csv_file: str, table: str) -> bool:
123        """Load a single CSV file into PostgreSQL.
125        Parameters
126        ----------
127        csv_file : str
128            Name of the CSV file.
129        table : str
130            Name of the table.
132        Returns
133        -------
134        success : bool
135            Whether the execution was successfull or not.
136        """
137        return self._load_csv(csv_file, table, True)
139    def load_multiple(self, csv_files: List[dict]) -> bool:
140        """Load multiple CSV files into PostgreSQL.
142        Parameters
143        ----------
144        csv_files : list
145            List of CSV files to load. Each entry consist of a `file` and
146            `table` key.
148        Returns
149        -------
150        success : bool
151            Whether the execution was successfull or not.
152        """
153        for entry in csv_files:
154            if not self._load_csv(entry['file'], entry['table'], True):
155                return False
156        return True
157        for entry in csv_files:
158            if not self._load_csv(entry['file'], entry['table'], True):
159                return False
160        return True
162    def load_sql_schema(self, schema_file: str,
163                        csv_files: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> bool:
164        """Execute SQL schema with PostgreSQL.
166        Executes a .sql file with PostgreSQL.
167        If the data is not loaded by the .sql file but only the schema is
168        provided through the .sql file, a list of CSV files can be provided to
169        load them as well.
171        Parameters
172        ----------
173        schema_file : str
174            Name of the .sql file.
175        csv_files : List[Tuple[str, str]]]
176            List of CSV file names to load in the tables created with the .sql
177            file, may also be an empty list. Each entry contains a Tuple of the
178            CSV file name and the table name.
180        Returns
181        -------
182        success : bool
183            Whether the execution was successfull or not.
184        """
185        success = True
187        # Load SQL schema
188        success, output = self.exec(f'psql -h {HOST} -p {PORT} -U {USER} '
189                                    f'-d {DB} -f /data/shared/{schema_file}')
190        if not success:
191            self._logger.error(f'Failed to load SQL schema "{schema_file}"')
192            return success
194        # Load CSVs
195        for csv_file, table in csv_files:
196            success = self._load_csv(csv_file, table, False)
197            if not success:
198                self._logger.error(f'Failed to load CSV "{csv_file}" in '
199                                   f'table "{table}"')
200                break
202        return success
204    def _load_csv(self, csv_file: str, table: str, create: bool):
205        """Load a single CSV file into MySQL.
207        Parameters
208        ----------
209        csv_file : str
210            Name of the CSV file.
211        table : str
212            Name of the table to store the data in.
213        create : bool
214            Whether to drop and create the table or re-use it
216        Returns
217        -------
218        success : bool
219            Whether the execution was successfull or not.
220        """
221        success = True
222        columns = None
223        table = table.lower()
224        path = os.path.join(self._data_path, 'shared', csv_file)
226        self._tables.append(table)
228        # Analyze and move CSV for loading
229        if not os.path.exists(path):
230            self._logger.error(f'CSV file "{path}" does not exist')
231            return False
233        with open(path, 'r') as f:
234            csv_reader = reader(f)
235            columns = next(csv_reader)
236            columns = [x.lower() for x in columns]
238        # Load CSV
239        connection = psycopg2.connect(host=HOST, database=DB,
240                                      user=PASSWORD, password=PASSWORD)
241        try:
242            cursor = connection.cursor()
244            if create:
245                cursor.execute(f'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table};')
246                c = ' VARCHAR , '.join(columns) + ' VARCHAR'
247                cursor.execute(f'CREATE TABLE {table} (KEY SERIAL, {c}, '
248                               'PRIMARY KEY(KEY))')
250            c = ','.join(columns)
251            cursor.execute(f'COPY {table} ({c}) FROM '
252                           f'\'/data/shared/{csv_file}\' '
253                           'DELIMITER \',\' NULL \'NULL\' CSV HEADER;')
254            cursor.execute('COMMIT;')
256            header = '| ID | ' + ' | '.join(columns) + ' |'
257            self._logger.debug(header)
258            self._logger.debug('-' * len(header))
260            cursor.execute(f'SELECT * FROM {table};')
261            number_of_records = 0
262            for record in cursor:
263                number_of_records += 1
264                self._logger.debug(record)
265            if number_of_records == 0:
266                self._logger.error('No records loaded after loading CSV')
267                success = False
268        except Exception as e:
269            self._logger.error(f'Failed to load CSV: "{e}"')
270            success = False
271        finally:
272            connection.close()
274        return success
276    @timeout(CLEAR_TABLES_TIMEOUT)
277    def _clear_tables(self):
278        """Clears all tables with a provided timeout."""
279        connection = psycopg2.connect(host=HOST, database=DB,
280                                      user=PASSWORD, password=PASSWORD)
281        cursor = connection.cursor()
282        for table in self._tables:
283            cursor.execute(f'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table};')
284            cursor.execute('COMMIT;')
285        self._tables = []
286        connection.close()
288    def stop(self) -> bool:
289        """Stop PostgreSQL
290        Clears all tables and stops the PostgreSQL container.
292        Returns
293        -------
294        success : bool
295            Whether the execution was successfull or not.
296        """
297        try:
298            self._clear_tables()
299        except TimeoutError:
300            self._logger.warning(f'Clearing {__name__} tables timed out after '
301                                 f'{CLEAR_TABLES_TIMEOUT}s!')
302        except Exception as e:
303            self._logger.error(f'Clearing{__name__} tables failed: "{e}"')
305        return super().stop()
308if __name__ == '__main__':
309    print(f'ℹ️  Starting up PostgreSQL v{VERSION}...')
310    p = PostgreSQL('data', 'config', 'log', True)
311    p.wait_until_ready()
312    input('ℹ️  Press any key to stop')
313    p.stop()
314    print('ℹ️  Stopped')
class PostgreSQL(bench_executor.container.Container):
 32class PostgreSQL(Container):
 33    """PostgreSQL container for executing SQL queries"""
 34    def __init__(self, data_path: str, config_path: str, directory: str,
 35                 verbose: bool):
 36        """Creates an instance of the PostgreSQL class.
 38        Parameters
 39        ----------
 40        data_path : str
 41            Path to the data directory of the case.
 42        config_path : str
 43            Path to the config directory of the case.
 44        directory : str
 45            Path to the directory to store logs.
 46        verbose : bool
 47            Enable verbose logs.
 48        """
 49        self._data_path = os.path.abspath(data_path)
 50        self._config_path = os.path.abspath(config_path)
 51        self._logger = Logger(__name__, directory, verbose)
 53        tmp_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'postgresql')
 54        os.umask(0)
 55        os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True)
 56        os.makedirs(os.path.join(self._data_path, 'postgresql'), exist_ok=True)
 57        self._tables: List[str] = []
 59        super().__init__(f'blindreviewing/postgresql:v{VERSION}', 'PostgreSQL',
 60                         self._logger,
 61                         ports={PORT: PORT},
 62                         environment={'POSTGRES_PASSWORD': PASSWORD,
 63                                      'POSTGRES_USER': USER,
 64                                      'POSTGRES_DB': DB,
 65                                      'PGPASSWORD': PASSWORD,
 66                                      'POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD': 'trust'},
 67                         volumes=[f'{self._data_path}/shared:/data/shared',
 68                                  f'{tmp_dir}:/var/lib/postgresql/data'])
 70    def initialization(self) -> bool:
 71        """Initialize PostgreSQL's database.
 73        Returns
 74        -------
 75        success : bool
 76            Whether the initialization was successfull or not.
 77        """
 78        # PostgreSQL should start with a initialized database, start PostgreSQL
 79        # if not initialized to avoid the pre-run start during benchmark
 80        # execution
 81        success = self.wait_until_ready()
 82        if not success:
 83            self._logger.error(f'Failed to initialize {__name__}')
 84            return False
 85        success = self.stop()
 87        return success
 89    @property
 90    def root_mount_directory(self) -> str:
 91        """Subdirectory in the root directory of the case for PostgreSQL.
 93        Returns
 94        -------
 95        subdirectory : str
 96            Subdirectory of the root directory for PostgreSQL.
 97        """
 98        return __name__.lower()
100    def wait_until_ready(self, command: str = '') -> bool:
101        """Wait until PostgreSQL is ready to execute SQL queries.
103        Parameters
104        ----------
105        command : str
106            Command to execute in the PostgreSQL container, optionally,
107            defaults to no command.
109        Returns
110        -------
111        success : bool
112            Whether the PostgreSQL was initialized successfull or not.
113        """
114        success = self.run_and_wait_for_log(f'port {PORT}', command=command)
115        if success:
116            sleep(WAIT_TIME)
117        else:
118            msg = f'Failed to wait for {__name__} to become ready'
119            self._logger.error(msg)
121        return success
123    def load(self, csv_file: str, table: str) -> bool:
124        """Load a single CSV file into PostgreSQL.
126        Parameters
127        ----------
128        csv_file : str
129            Name of the CSV file.
130        table : str
131            Name of the table.
133        Returns
134        -------
135        success : bool
136            Whether the execution was successfull or not.
137        """
138        return self._load_csv(csv_file, table, True)
140    def load_multiple(self, csv_files: List[dict]) -> bool:
141        """Load multiple CSV files into PostgreSQL.
143        Parameters
144        ----------
145        csv_files : list
146            List of CSV files to load. Each entry consist of a `file` and
147            `table` key.
149        Returns
150        -------
151        success : bool
152            Whether the execution was successfull or not.
153        """
154        for entry in csv_files:
155            if not self._load_csv(entry['file'], entry['table'], True):
156                return False
157        return True
158        for entry in csv_files:
159            if not self._load_csv(entry['file'], entry['table'], True):
160                return False
161        return True
163    def load_sql_schema(self, schema_file: str,
164                        csv_files: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> bool:
165        """Execute SQL schema with PostgreSQL.
167        Executes a .sql file with PostgreSQL.
168        If the data is not loaded by the .sql file but only the schema is
169        provided through the .sql file, a list of CSV files can be provided to
170        load them as well.
172        Parameters
173        ----------
174        schema_file : str
175            Name of the .sql file.
176        csv_files : List[Tuple[str, str]]]
177            List of CSV file names to load in the tables created with the .sql
178            file, may also be an empty list. Each entry contains a Tuple of the
179            CSV file name and the table name.
181        Returns
182        -------
183        success : bool
184            Whether the execution was successfull or not.
185        """
186        success = True
188        # Load SQL schema
189        success, output = self.exec(f'psql -h {HOST} -p {PORT} -U {USER} '
190                                    f'-d {DB} -f /data/shared/{schema_file}')
191        if not success:
192            self._logger.error(f'Failed to load SQL schema "{schema_file}"')
193            return success
195        # Load CSVs
196        for csv_file, table in csv_files:
197            success = self._load_csv(csv_file, table, False)
198            if not success:
199                self._logger.error(f'Failed to load CSV "{csv_file}" in '
200                                   f'table "{table}"')
201                break
203        return success
205    def _load_csv(self, csv_file: str, table: str, create: bool):
206        """Load a single CSV file into MySQL.
208        Parameters
209        ----------
210        csv_file : str
211            Name of the CSV file.
212        table : str
213            Name of the table to store the data in.
214        create : bool
215            Whether to drop and create the table or re-use it
217        Returns
218        -------
219        success : bool
220            Whether the execution was successfull or not.
221        """
222        success = True
223        columns = None
224        table = table.lower()
225        path = os.path.join(self._data_path, 'shared', csv_file)
227        self._tables.append(table)
229        # Analyze and move CSV for loading
230        if not os.path.exists(path):
231            self._logger.error(f'CSV file "{path}" does not exist')
232            return False
234        with open(path, 'r') as f:
235            csv_reader = reader(f)
236            columns = next(csv_reader)
237            columns = [x.lower() for x in columns]
239        # Load CSV
240        connection = psycopg2.connect(host=HOST, database=DB,
241                                      user=PASSWORD, password=PASSWORD)
242        try:
243            cursor = connection.cursor()
245            if create:
246                cursor.execute(f'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table};')
247                c = ' VARCHAR , '.join(columns) + ' VARCHAR'
248                cursor.execute(f'CREATE TABLE {table} (KEY SERIAL, {c}, '
249                               'PRIMARY KEY(KEY))')
251            c = ','.join(columns)
252            cursor.execute(f'COPY {table} ({c}) FROM '
253                           f'\'/data/shared/{csv_file}\' '
254                           'DELIMITER \',\' NULL \'NULL\' CSV HEADER;')
255            cursor.execute('COMMIT;')
257            header = '| ID | ' + ' | '.join(columns) + ' |'
258            self._logger.debug(header)
259            self._logger.debug('-' * len(header))
261            cursor.execute(f'SELECT * FROM {table};')
262            number_of_records = 0
263            for record in cursor:
264                number_of_records += 1
265                self._logger.debug(record)
266            if number_of_records == 0:
267                self._logger.error('No records loaded after loading CSV')
268                success = False
269        except Exception as e:
270            self._logger.error(f'Failed to load CSV: "{e}"')
271            success = False
272        finally:
273            connection.close()
275        return success
277    @timeout(CLEAR_TABLES_TIMEOUT)
278    def _clear_tables(self):
279        """Clears all tables with a provided timeout."""
280        connection = psycopg2.connect(host=HOST, database=DB,
281                                      user=PASSWORD, password=PASSWORD)
282        cursor = connection.cursor()
283        for table in self._tables:
284            cursor.execute(f'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table};')
285            cursor.execute('COMMIT;')
286        self._tables = []
287        connection.close()
289    def stop(self) -> bool:
290        """Stop PostgreSQL
291        Clears all tables and stops the PostgreSQL container.
293        Returns
294        -------
295        success : bool
296            Whether the execution was successfull or not.
297        """
298        try:
299            self._clear_tables()
300        except TimeoutError:
301            self._logger.warning(f'Clearing {__name__} tables timed out after '
302                                 f'{CLEAR_TABLES_TIMEOUT}s!')
303        except Exception as e:
304            self._logger.error(f'Clearing{__name__} tables failed: "{e}"')
306        return super().stop()

PostgreSQL container for executing SQL queries

PostgreSQL(data_path: str, config_path: str, directory: str, verbose: bool)
34    def __init__(self, data_path: str, config_path: str, directory: str,
35                 verbose: bool):
36        """Creates an instance of the PostgreSQL class.
38        Parameters
39        ----------
40        data_path : str
41            Path to the data directory of the case.
42        config_path : str
43            Path to the config directory of the case.
44        directory : str
45            Path to the directory to store logs.
46        verbose : bool
47            Enable verbose logs.
48        """
49        self._data_path = os.path.abspath(data_path)
50        self._config_path = os.path.abspath(config_path)
51        self._logger = Logger(__name__, directory, verbose)
53        tmp_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'postgresql')
54        os.umask(0)
55        os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True)
56        os.makedirs(os.path.join(self._data_path, 'postgresql'), exist_ok=True)
57        self._tables: List[str] = []
59        super().__init__(f'blindreviewing/postgresql:v{VERSION}', 'PostgreSQL',
60                         self._logger,
61                         ports={PORT: PORT},
62                         environment={'POSTGRES_PASSWORD': PASSWORD,
63                                      'POSTGRES_USER': USER,
64                                      'POSTGRES_DB': DB,
65                                      'PGPASSWORD': PASSWORD,
66                                      'POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD': 'trust'},
67                         volumes=[f'{self._data_path}/shared:/data/shared',
68                                  f'{tmp_dir}:/var/lib/postgresql/data'])

Creates an instance of the PostgreSQL class.

  • data_path (str): Path to the data directory of the case.
  • config_path (str): Path to the config directory of the case.
  • directory (str): Path to the directory to store logs.
  • verbose (bool): Enable verbose logs.
def initialization(self) -> bool:
70    def initialization(self) -> bool:
71        """Initialize PostgreSQL's database.
73        Returns
74        -------
75        success : bool
76            Whether the initialization was successfull or not.
77        """
78        # PostgreSQL should start with a initialized database, start PostgreSQL
79        # if not initialized to avoid the pre-run start during benchmark
80        # execution
81        success = self.wait_until_ready()
82        if not success:
83            self._logger.error(f'Failed to initialize {__name__}')
84            return False
85        success = self.stop()
87        return success

Initialize PostgreSQL's database.

  • success (bool): Whether the initialization was successfull or not.
root_mount_directory: str

Subdirectory in the root directory of the case for PostgreSQL.

  • subdirectory (str): Subdirectory of the root directory for PostgreSQL.
def wait_until_ready(self, command: str = '') -> bool:
100    def wait_until_ready(self, command: str = '') -> bool:
101        """Wait until PostgreSQL is ready to execute SQL queries.
103        Parameters
104        ----------
105        command : str
106            Command to execute in the PostgreSQL container, optionally,
107            defaults to no command.
109        Returns
110        -------
111        success : bool
112            Whether the PostgreSQL was initialized successfull or not.
113        """
114        success = self.run_and_wait_for_log(f'port {PORT}', command=command)
115        if success:
116            sleep(WAIT_TIME)
117        else:
118            msg = f'Failed to wait for {__name__} to become ready'
119            self._logger.error(msg)
121        return success

Wait until PostgreSQL is ready to execute SQL queries.

  • command (str): Command to execute in the PostgreSQL container, optionally, defaults to no command.
  • success (bool): Whether the PostgreSQL was initialized successfull or not.
def load(self, csv_file: str, table: str) -> bool:
123    def load(self, csv_file: str, table: str) -> bool:
124        """Load a single CSV file into PostgreSQL.
126        Parameters
127        ----------
128        csv_file : str
129            Name of the CSV file.
130        table : str
131            Name of the table.
133        Returns
134        -------
135        success : bool
136            Whether the execution was successfull or not.
137        """
138        return self._load_csv(csv_file, table, True)

Load a single CSV file into PostgreSQL.

  • csv_file (str): Name of the CSV file.
  • table (str): Name of the table.
  • success (bool): Whether the execution was successfull or not.
def load_multiple(self, csv_files: List[dict]) -> bool:
140    def load_multiple(self, csv_files: List[dict]) -> bool:
141        """Load multiple CSV files into PostgreSQL.
143        Parameters
144        ----------
145        csv_files : list
146            List of CSV files to load. Each entry consist of a `file` and
147            `table` key.
149        Returns
150        -------
151        success : bool
152            Whether the execution was successfull or not.
153        """
154        for entry in csv_files:
155            if not self._load_csv(entry['file'], entry['table'], True):
156                return False
157        return True
158        for entry in csv_files:
159            if not self._load_csv(entry['file'], entry['table'], True):
160                return False
161        return True

Load multiple CSV files into PostgreSQL.

  • csv_files (list): List of CSV files to load. Each entry consist of a file and table key.
  • success (bool): Whether the execution was successfull or not.
def load_sql_schema(self, schema_file: str, csv_files: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> bool:
163    def load_sql_schema(self, schema_file: str,
164                        csv_files: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> bool:
165        """Execute SQL schema with PostgreSQL.
167        Executes a .sql file with PostgreSQL.
168        If the data is not loaded by the .sql file but only the schema is
169        provided through the .sql file, a list of CSV files can be provided to
170        load them as well.
172        Parameters
173        ----------
174        schema_file : str
175            Name of the .sql file.
176        csv_files : List[Tuple[str, str]]]
177            List of CSV file names to load in the tables created with the .sql
178            file, may also be an empty list. Each entry contains a Tuple of the
179            CSV file name and the table name.
181        Returns
182        -------
183        success : bool
184            Whether the execution was successfull or not.
185        """
186        success = True
188        # Load SQL schema
189        success, output = self.exec(f'psql -h {HOST} -p {PORT} -U {USER} '
190                                    f'-d {DB} -f /data/shared/{schema_file}')
191        if not success:
192            self._logger.error(f'Failed to load SQL schema "{schema_file}"')
193            return success
195        # Load CSVs
196        for csv_file, table in csv_files:
197            success = self._load_csv(csv_file, table, False)
198            if not success:
199                self._logger.error(f'Failed to load CSV "{csv_file}" in '
200                                   f'table "{table}"')
201                break
203        return success

Execute SQL schema with PostgreSQL.

Executes a .sql file with PostgreSQL. If the data is not loaded by the .sql file but only the schema is provided through the .sql file, a list of CSV files can be provided to load them as well.

  • schema_file (str): Name of the .sql file.
  • csv_files (List[Tuple[str, str]]]): List of CSV file names to load in the tables created with the .sql file, may also be an empty list. Each entry contains a Tuple of the CSV file name and the table name.
  • success (bool): Whether the execution was successfull or not.
def stop(self) -> bool:
289    def stop(self) -> bool:
290        """Stop PostgreSQL
291        Clears all tables and stops the PostgreSQL container.
293        Returns
294        -------
295        success : bool
296            Whether the execution was successfull or not.
297        """
298        try:
299            self._clear_tables()
300        except TimeoutError:
301            self._logger.warning(f'Clearing {__name__} tables timed out after '
302                                 f'{CLEAR_TABLES_TIMEOUT}s!')
303        except Exception as e:
304            self._logger.error(f'Clearing{__name__} tables failed: "{e}"')
306        return super().stop()

Stop PostgreSQL Clears all tables and stops the PostgreSQL container.

  • success (bool): Whether the execution was successfull or not.