Fifth International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction

Co-located with the ESWC 2024

Hersonissos - 27th May 2024

See Call for Papers

KGC Call for Papers

More and more knowledge graphs (KGs) are constructed for private use, e.g., Google, or public use, e.g., DBpedia, Wikidata. While many solutions were proposed to construct KGs from existing data on the Web, there is still no mature systems to automate the rules definition nor systematic evaluations to compare the performance and resource usage of the different systems independently of the mapping language they use or the way they construct the knowledge graph (materialization or virtualization). Addressing the challenges related to KG construction requires both the investigation of theoretical concepts and the development of systems and methods for their evaluation.

The Knowledge Graph Construction Workshop (KGCW) has a special focus this time on novel techniques, frameworks, architectures, and tools for the new extensions of RML such as RDF Collections and Containers, and RDF-Star support and the newest version of the RDF Mapping Language (RML) in general.

The workshop includes a keynote, as well as (research, in-use, experience, position, system) paper presentations, demo jam, and break-out discussions. This year, we will celebrate the 2nd edition of the KG Construction Challenge, where an evaluation setup will be provided to the participants to compare the different systems for KG construction.

Our goal is to provide a venue for scientific discourse, systematic analysis, and rigorous evaluation of languages, techniques, and systems, as well as practical and applied experiences and lessons learned for constructing knowledge graphs from academia and industry. The workshop complements and aligns with the activities of the W3C Community Group on KG construction.


  • Automation for Knowledge Graph Construction
  • Conversion of data labelling methods into declarative KGC approaches
  • (Semi)automatically generate mappings
  • Explainable automated knowledge graph generation
  • LLMs supporting (declarative) knowledge graph generation
  • Mapping based Knowledge Graph Construction
  • Mapping languages for constructing Knowledge Graph from legacy datasets
  • End User Interfaces (UI) for (collaborative) editing and viewing for Knowledge Graphs building rules and management platforms in general
  • Approaches and techniques on
  • collaborative mappings generation
  • exploiting mappings for query answering
  • Tools for Knowledge Graph Construction
  • Architectures for Knowledge Graph construction systems
  • (Sustainable) workflows for Web scale Knowledge Graph construction & publishing
  • Methods and Techniques for Knowledge Graph Construction
  • Seamless (distributed) integration/interlinking from heterogeneous data sources
  • Dynamic discovery and retrieval of data for KG construction
  • Quality, Provenance, privacy and trustworthiness of Linked Data construction
  • Knowledge Graph construction and publishing of streaming data at run-time
  • Benchmarks for Knowledge Graphs construction and publishing
  • Lessons learnt, In Use and Experience
  • Experience, lessons learnt and best practices for generating and publishing
  • Negative results and in-use/applied descriptions

Authors Guideline


Authors can choose the best way to express their work, such as HTML or PDF. However, a CEUR layout must be provided. If your contribution will be in HTML, you can find some available tools in the ESWC24 HTML guideline.


  • Full research papers (12-15 pages)
  • In Use and Experience papers (12-15 pages)
  • Short research papers (5-8 pages)
  • Challenge papers (6-8 pages)
  • Position and Vision papers (4-6 pages)
  • System/demo papers (4-6 pages)
  • Abstract from journal papers (2-4 pages)

Review and Publication

Please, share your contribution before the deadline through the OpenReview platform. The accepted contributions will be published in the proceedings of the workshop through CEUR-WS. Each accepted paper needs to be presented by one of the authors at the workshop (virtual presentations are not allowed).


Knowledge graph construction of heterogeneous data has seen a lot of uptake in the last decade from compliance to performance optimizations with respect to execution time. Besides execution time as metric for comparing knowledge graph construction, other metrics e.g. CPU or memory usage are not considered. This challenge aims at benchmarking systems to find which RDF graph construction system optimizes for metrics e.g. execution time, CPU, memory usage, or a combination of these metrics.

All details regarding the challenge can be found here

Workflow for submissions of the Challenge:
  1. Interest for participation by January 31th 2024 AoE.
  2. Results submission by April 30th 2024 AoE (participants received submissions details via e-mail).
  3. OPTIONAL (Proceedings):
    • Submit report paper by May 21th 2024.
    • Report paper will be reviewed by PC/OC.
    • If paper is accepted, it will be published within the proceedings of KGCW.
    • Camera ready submission by June 22th 2024.

At least one author of each tool needs to present the results during the workshop
(virtual presentations are not allowed)


Session 1 (09:00 - 10:30)

Each paper has 15 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes of Q/A

  • Welcome to the 5th Edition of the KGC Workshop.
  • Not Everybody Speaks RDF: Knowledge Conversion between Different Data Representations. Mario Scrocca, Alessio Carenini, Marco Grassi, Marco Comerio, Irene Celino. Paper / Slides
  • BURPing Through RML Test Cases. Dylan Van Assche, Christophe Debruyne. Paper / Slides
  • Propagating Ontology Changes to Declarative Mappings in Construction of Knowledge Graphs. Diego Conde Herreros, David Chaves-Fraga, María Poveda-Villalón, Romana Pernisch, Lise Stork, Oscar Corcho. Paper / Slides
  • RML-view-to-CSV: A Proof-of-Concept Implementation for RML Logical Views. Els de Vleeschauwer, Pano Maria, Ben De Meester, Pieter Colpaert. Paper / Slides
  • Wrap up

10:30 - 11:00: Coffee Break

Session 2 (11:00 - 12:30)

  • Intro to the keynote speaker
  • Keynote: Anomaly Detection For Telco Companies: Challenges And Opportunities In Knowledge Graph Construction by Lionel Tailhardat. Slides
  • W3C Knowledge Graph Construction - Yearly Update Slides
  • Wrap up

12:30 - 14:00: Lunch Break

Session 3 (14:00 - 15:30)

Each paper has 15 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes of Q/A

  • R2[RML]-ChatGPT Framework. Alex Randles, Declan O'Sullivan. Paper / Slides
  • Towards self-configuring Knowledge Graph Construction Pipelines using LLMs - A Case Study with RML. Marvin Hofer, Johannes Frey, Erhard Rahm. Paper / Slides

Each solution has 10 minutes for presentation

  • Challenge & benchmark explanation
  • Challenge Track 1
    • BURP. Christophe Debruyne and Dylan Van Assche
    • RMLMapper. Dylan Van Assche, Els de Vleeschauwer and Ben de Meester
    • SDM-RDFizer. Enrique Iglesias
  • Wrap up

15:30 - 16:00: Coffee Break

Session 4 (16:00 - 18:00)

Each solution has 10 minutes for presentation

  • Challenge Track 2 and both
    • RML-to-CSV-View + RMLStreamer. Els de Vleeschauwer
    • RMLWeaver-js. Sitt Min Oo
    • FlexRML. Michael Freund
    • RPT/Sansa. Claus Stadler and Simon Bin
    • mapping-template. Mario Scrocca and Marco Grassi
  • Feedback and Awards
  • Discussion & closing remarks


Anomaly detection for telco companies: Challenges and opportunities in knowledge graph construction Lionel Tailhardat

The keynote will first cover current expectations in anomaly detection and incident management in the context of telco companies. We will discuss the relevance of knowledge graphs in addressing these needs and the challenges of scaling knowledge graph construction. Then, we will explore the intersection between knowledge graphs and anomaly detection, as well as the role of cooperative decision making in incident situation understanding in this domain.

About the speaker

Responsive image

Lionel is a research engineer working in the Innovation division at Orange Group. He has held various positions in production/maintenance, system supervision architecture, and network operations, which led him to develop an interest in the relationship between the dynamics of distributed systems and the means to anticipate or resolve dependability issues. Currently, he is involved in a research project that combines knowledge graphs and AI techniques to detect anomalies in large-scale networks and create a shared knowledge base of faults and remediation actions.

Important dates

29 February, 2024

Abstract submission

Submit your abstract (optional but recommended)

15 March, 2024

Submission papers

Submit your paper

15 April, 2024


The notification and reviews from our Program Committee will be available.

12 May, 2024

Submission camera ready

Time to have your paper ready for being published. All the accepted paper will be published in the proceedings.

27 May, 2024


Keynote, papers presentations, and a lot of discussion. Remember! If your contribution is accepted, it needs to be presented by one of the authors at the event.


Anastasia Dimou

Assistant Professor, KU Leuven

David Chaves Fraga

Assistant Professor, CiTIUS - USC

Umutcan Serles

Postdoctoral Researcher, STI Innsbruck

Dylan Van Assche

PhD Student, imec - IDLab (UGent)

Ana Iglesias Molina

PhD Student, OEG - UPM

Program Committee

  • Anelia Kurteva, TU Delft
  • Beatriz Esteves, Ghent University – imec
  • Ben De Meester, Ghent University – imec
  • Bram Steenwinckel, Ghent University – imec
  • Christophe Debruyne, Liège University
  • Claus Stadler, University of Leipzig
  • Davide Lanti, Free-University of Bozen-Bolzano
  • Edna Ruckhaus, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Els de Vleesschauwer, Ghent University – imec
  • Enrique Iglesias, L3S & TIB
  • Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz, University of London
  • Femke Ongenae, Ghent University – imec
  • Franck Michel, CNRS
  • Gertjan De Mulder, Ghent University – imec
  • Giorgos Flouris, FORTH
  • Hannes Voigt, Neo4j
  • Herminio Garcia Gonzalez, Kazerne Dossin
  • Ibai Guillén-Pacho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Ioannis Dasoulas, KU Leuven
  • Jakub Klímek, Charles University
  • Juliette Opdenplatz, University of Innsbruck and Onlim GmbH
  • Jürgen Umbrich, Onlim GmbH
  • Manolis Koubarakis, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Maria-Esther Vidal, L3S & TIB
  • Mario Scrocca, CEFRIEL
  • Markus Schröder, DFKI, TU Kaiserslautern
  • Michael Freund, Fraunhofer IIS
  • Oscar Corcho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Pano Maria, Skemu
  • Samaneh Jozashoori, metaphacts
  • Sergio José Rodríguez Méndez, Australian National University
  • Sitt Min Oo, Ghent University – imec
  • Sven Lieber, Royal Library of Belgium (KBR)
  • Tobias Schweizer, SWITCH
  • Vladimir Alexiev, Ontotext