Data transformations

In this section, we analyzed 7 data transformation approaches on 5 different characteristics to provide an overview of these approaches.

SPARQL Functions (2013)

The W3C recommended SPARQL supports functions which are executed during query evaluation by the SPARQL engine. SPARQL specifies a set of built-in functions, conditions, and how custom functions can be used (F3). However, supported functions heavily depend on the underlying SPARQL engine executing the query (F4). SPARQL functions can be re-used among engines through SPARQL Federated Queries (F2). Function parameters and return values are not hard coded but binded using SPARQL BIND expressions (F1). SPARQL also provides conditions through FILTER and IF expressions to evaluate parts of the SPARQL query only when a certain condition is met. However, SPARQL functions cannot be used standalone because of their tight integration with the SPARQL query and engine (F4). SPARQL functions are integrated in SPARQL queries as a SPARQL operator and can be applied on any part of the schema transformation (F5). SPARQL functions are leveraged by SPARQL-Generate, XSPARQL, and Facade-X to provide data transformations.

GeoTriples (2014)

GeoTriples extends RML with support for geographical data sources and transformations. GeoTriples uses GeoSPARQL and stSPARQL functions which are aligned with RML mapping rules through two extensions: rrx:Function and rrx:ArgumentMap. The parameters order in rrx:ArgumentMap matches the order of arguments of the function (rdf:List). Each function parameter is an rr:TermMap which allows GeoTriples to reference values as function parameters. The return value is used directly in the mapping rules and are not declarative described (F1, F5). GeoTriples supports a fixed set of GeoSPARQL and stSPARQL functions (F3) as data transformations, but these functions are not depending on GeoTriples. Therefore, GeoSPARQL and stSPARQL functions can be used with other GeoSPARQL and stSPARQL engines (F4). Currently, GeoSPARQL and stSPARQL functions are built-in into the GeoSPARQL query language, and not shared through a repository as FnO (F2).

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Last accessed : 10/11/2021

KR2RML (2015)

KR2RML is based on R2RML with support for data transformations through custom functions and conditions written in Python (F3). The function’s body and parameter values are integrated in KR2RML mapping rules as a string (F5). Functions can use builtin Python modules or from Python Package Index (F2). Function parameters and return values are hardcoded in the KR2RML mapping rules without a declarative description (F1, F4). KR2RML functions are implemented in Karma-Web.

Source code :
Last accessed : 10/11/2021

Function Ontology (FnO, 2016)

The Function Ontology (FnO) is a semantic description of functions without depending on their implementation (F4). FnO describes each function’s parameters and return value to specify how the function should be used. Moreover, FnO also describes the problem the function solves to enable semantically re-use of functions. Existing functions and their implementations in various languages can be shared throughout the Function Hub (F2). Values which are passed to a function are not hardcoded but referenced (F1). Custom functions can be added by providing an FnO description and optionally one or multiple implementations (F3). FnO can be used standalone (F4), but is aligned with RML to apply data transformations. In RML, FnO descriptions can be added in the mapping rules on any part of the schema transformation through fnml:FunctionMap since fnml:FunctionMap is compatible with an R2RML Term Map. Each Function Map refers to the function description to execute the function (fno:executes) and its parameters (example: grel:inputString) (F5). An FnO function can be used as a data transformation or as a condition in RML when performing the schema transformation. Several materialization implementations for generating knowledge graphs from heterogeneous using mapping languages incorporated support for FnO functions.

Last accessed: 10/11/2021

FunUL (2016)

FunUL extends RML by incorporating functions and conditions inside the mapping rules. FunUL function’s body is a Literal, specified with the rrf:functionBody property. Its function’s name is described with the property rrf:functionName. Each function can be called through a rrf:functionCall which references to a function (rrf:function) and its parameters (rrf:parameterBindings) (F5). FunUL is based on R2RML-F and broadens R2RML-F’s scope from relational databases to heterogeneous data. FunUL is not stand-alone, as it must be used together with RML mapping rules (F4). FunUL’s functions are written in JavaScript as a literal in the RML mapping rules, but FunUL’s approach is not depending on a specific programming language as with KR2RML’s data transformations. FunUL’s functions parameters and return values are not hardcoded in the mapping rules for reusability (F1). However, FunUL reuses rr:column, rml:reference, and rr:constant from RML and R2RML for referencing values for function parameters, therefore no other mapping language can be used. FunUL’s function return values are directly used to generate RDF in a R2RML Predicate Object Map by the implementation executing the RML mapping rules. Built-in functions of a programming language can be used and custom functions can be defined as well inside the mapping rules (F3). Depending on the programming language and implementation, functions can be shared and reused from repositories, but there is no equivalent of FnO’s Function Hub (F2). FunUL is demonstrated in a forked version of the RML Processor.

Source code:
Last accessed: 10/11/2021

D2RML (2018)

D2RML extends R2RML for mapping heterogeneous data into RDF, but also with dr:Function to support data transformations and conditions. D2RML incorporates data transformations through dr:Transformations in its declarative description for generating RDF and are applied on the heterogeneous data retrieved through D2RML’s declarative data source description (Logical Source). D2RML’s data transformations can only be described in a D2RML’s Triples Map to apply on the retrieved data, they cannot be used on D2RML’s abstracted intermediate format or on the generated RDF. D2RML conditions are located in R2RML’s Term Maps to generate an RDF triple based upon a certain condition (F5). D2RML uses dr:Function to refer to a function and dr:ParameterBinding to refer to function’s parameters, but the return value is not described (F1). D2RML data transformations and conditions cannot be used standalone because of tight integration with D2RML (F4). D2RML provides a set of custom IRI generation functions and allows the use of web services to apply custom transformations (F3). D2RML can not leverage a function repository to share and reuse existing functions (F2). D2RML data transformations and conditions are available as a web service.

D-REPR (2019)

D-REPR integrates data transformations for pre-processing data. Functions can be customized (F3), and are shareable as with KR2RML through Python Package Index (F2). Functions are written in Python with hardcoded parameters of each function (F1, F4), following a similar principle as KR2RML. These functions are only declaratively described for input data in a [preprocessing] YAML block which contains a list of functions. Each function has a function ([type]), its input parameters ([input]), expected return values and its body ([code]). Since these functions are described in the [preprocessing] block, they cannot be applied on the intermediate JSON tree format or on the generated RDF (F5). D-REPR’s data transformations are implemented in D-REPR.

Source code :
Last accessed : 10/11/2021


Table 1: Characteristics F1 until F5 for data transformations.
Transformation F1: Declarativeness F2: Shareability F3: Custom data transformations F4: Independence F5: Integration with mapping languages
SPARQL Functions declarative described, referenced function & parameters Federated Queries Yes Depend on SPARQL Any
GeoTriples declarative described, referenced function & parameters No No Standalone R2RML or RML
KR2RML function body and parameters as hardcoded strings Python Package Index Yes Depend on KR2RML KR2RML-only
Function Ontology declarative described, referenced function & parameters Function Hub Yes Standalone Any
FunUL function body as string, referenced function & parameters Implementation dependent Yes Depend on RML RML-only
D2RML declarative described, referenced function & parameters No Partially Depend on D2RML D2RML-only, only pre-processing input data
D-REPR function body and parameters as string, hardcoded parameters Python Package Index Yes Depend on D-REPR D-REPR-only, only pre-processing input data