More and more knowledge graphs (KGs) are constructed for private use, e.g., Google, or public use, e.g., DBpedia, Wikidata. While many solutions were proposed to construct KGs from existing data on the Web, there are still no mature systems to automate the rules definition nor systematic evaluations to compare the performance and resource usage of the different systems independently of the mapping language they use or the way they construct the knowledge graph (materialization or virtualization). Addressing the challenges related to KG construction requires both the investigation of theoretical concepts and the development of systems and methods for their evaluation.
The Knowledge Graph Construction Workshop (KGCW) will continue being the forum for novel techniques, frameworks, architectures, and tools for declarative KGC languages such as RML. The Knowledge Graph Construction challenges focusing on KG generation efficiency have matured after several successful iterations. Now, the community has recognized a need to assess compliance with the new RML modules to move forward.
This edition will focus on these aspects and the assessment thereof, which enables the workshop to collect contributions from a wide range of topics such as the role of generative LLMs in (declarative) KG Generation, automation and planning of KG processes, and the role of human stakeholders in KG processes. The workshop includes a keynote, (research, in-use, experience, position, system) paper presentations, demo jam, and break-out discussions.
Our goal is to provide a venue for scientific discourse, systematic analysis, and rigorous evaluation of languages, techniques, and systems, as well as practical and applied experiences and lessons learned for constructing knowledge graphs from academia and industry. The workshop complements and aligns with the activities of the W3C Community Group on KG construction.
Authors can choose the best way to express their work, such as HTML or PDF. However, a CEUR layout must be provided. If your contribution will be in HTML, you can find some available tools in the ESWC25 HTML guideline.
Please, share your contribution before the deadline through the OpenReview platform. The accepted contributions will be published in the proceedings of the workshop through CEUR-WS. Each accepted paper needs to be presented by one of the authors at the workshop (virtual presentations are not allowed).
Attention, those submitting to the workshop must be aware of OpenReview's moderation policy for newly created profiles:
Please confirm your interest to participate in the challenge by filling out this form before March 24th 2024 AoE. Participating without filling out this form is not possible.
Submit your abstract (optional but recommended)
Submit your paper
The notification and reviews from our Program Committee will be available.
Time to have your paper ready for being published. All the accepted paper will be published in the proceedings.
Keynote, papers presentations, and a lot of discussion. Remember! If your contribution is accepted, it needs to be presented by one of the authors at the event.
Year | Location | Proceedings | Website |
2019 | ESWC - Portorož (Slovenia) | | |
2021 | ESWC - Online | | |
2022 | ESWC - Hersonissos (Greece) | | |
2023 | ESWC - Hersonissos (Greece) | | |
2024 | ESWC - Hersonissos (Greece) | | |